Saturday, July 8, 2017

Subject and predicate

One of the most basic analysis of a sentence is that which divides a sentence into a subject and a predicate. Probably, you have learned this at elementary school and if you were attentive to your classes you can remember it. The subject in most of the cases show us who is performing the action while the predicate show us which action the subject is performing. To identify the subject and the the predicate we can ask us two questions: Who is performing the action? Which action is happening?

[The cat] plays outside.
Subject     Predicate

In a syntax tree diagram it will looks like this: 

Now we are going to analyse a couple of sentences:

1. G20 leaders steel themselves for Trump's next trade move.

2. G20 leaders reaffirm support of Paris climate change agreement without U.S.

3. European Union officials who briefed reporters on draft final statement say the document contained a general commitment to fighting climate change.
Click on the image to enlarge.

4. Officials debated language pushed by the U.S.

5. Chinese President Xi Jinping told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Saturday that China will fulfil its obligations under the Paris climate change agreement.
Click on the image to enlarge. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy these series of posts. The author makes it very enjoyable to read about syntax!
